About Rejuvenate Resources

Rejuvenate Resources, formerly known as BRIJAN Resources Ltd., is located in London, Ontario, Canada. BRIJAN Resources was originally established in 1995 in Edmonton, Alberta and in the fall of 2018, the company changed ownership and moved to our current location.

We are committed to selling high-quality books, educational and therapeutic games, software, assessment tools and much, much more! 

We’ve had the opportunity to work with incredibly talented publishers who produce high quality materials for Speech Language Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, Special Educators, Teachers, Parents and Caregivers in educational, home, and healthcare settings. Our focus is on providing professionals and parents access to exceptional resources.

Meet Ashley, Customer Service Manager for Rejuvenate Resources

We're here to support you!

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need assistance. Our knowledgeable, customer-friendly staff will be happy to answer any questions you may have or help you select the products that will best meet your needs.

Call Toll Free at 1 (888) 467-3422 Monday through Friday or email hello@rejuvenateresources.com.