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SnapWords® Lists A-G

SnapWords® Lists A-G

Grades Pre-K - 3 | Ages 3 - 9

Regular price $37.50 CAD
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Teacher: 5.5" x 4.25" | Pocket: 4.25" x 2.75"

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SnapWords® is an innovative teaching tool designed to accelerate sight word recognition and reading fluency in young learners.

This collection of high-frequency words is crafted to engage visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners through a multi-sensory approach, ensuring that children of all learning styles can achieve reading success.

Visual Mnemonics for Enhanced Memory

Each SnapWord® in each list is paired with a unique, vivid image visually representing the word. This method leverages the power of visual mnemonics, a proven technique in educational research. According to Ehri (2005), visual imagery can significantly aid in word recognition by helping children form strong mental associations between the word and its meaning.

Movement for Kinesthetic Learners

SnapWords® incorporate movement corresponding to each word, engaging the body in the learning process. Research by DeLamater et al. (2019) shows that integrating physical movement with learning not only improves engagement but also enhances memory retention, making it ideal for kinesthetic learners.

Contextual Learning for Deeper Understanding

The words in SnapWords® are presented in meaningful contexts, helping children understand their usage in real-life scenarios. Beck, McKeown, and Kucan (2002) emphasize the importance of contextual learning in vocabulary development, as it leads to a deeper understanding and better long-term retention of words.

Benefits of Using the SnapWords® Teaching Cards

  • Accelerates sight word recognition and reading fluency.
  • Ideal for visual, kinesthetic, and auditory learners.
  • Supports children with learning differences, including dyslexia.
  • Engages children with interactive and multisensory learning experiences.

What’s Included

List A

List A includes 59 smaller, high-frequency words covering concepts such as: 

Final Y /Ī/, Final Silent E, /OW/ Sound, /UH/ Sound, Digraph TH, ERE /EAR/ Pattern, /OO/ Sound, Final Double LL, A vs. AN Before Words, CK Endings, Final S /Z/, & More

List B

List B includes 59 high-frequency words, building on concepts from List A & covering additional concepts such as:

SK Endings, its vs. it’s, F /V/, Digraphs SH & WH, Final Y /Ē/, Double Consonants, AY & EY /Ā/, “OH” Sound, to vs. too, ING Endings, EA /Ē/, “EW” Sound, OR /ER/, R-Controlled Spellings, Syllables, & More

List C

List C includes 59 high-frequency words, building on concepts from previous lists & covering additional concepts such as:

R-Controlled Spellings, Adding ING to Words Ending in E, OLD Family, ERE Pattern /AIR, ER, EAR/, NK Endings, Digraph CH, Contractions, NG Endings, A /AH/, AI Spellings /Ĕ, Ĭ, AIN/, & More

List D

List D includes 55 high-frequency words (plus 4 bonus cards) & building on concepts from previous lists, covering additional concepts such as:

Final Double LL, IGH Family, EE /Ē/, AL Endings, SE /Z/, EE /Ĕ/, “AW” Sound, OULD Family, C /S/, ES /Z/ Plural Ending, UGH Endings /F/, their vs. there vs. they’re, & More

List E

List E includes 51 longer, more complex high-frequency words (plus 8 bonus cards), building on concepts from previous lists & covering additional concepts such as:

Compound Words, Consonants & ED or ING Endings, TCH (Digraph CH), G/J/, Syllable Identification, “AU” Sound, AUGH Family, CY Spellings, ful vs. full, LY Endings, WR /R/, EA /Ĕ/, SURE Endings, EAR /ER/, CC /S, K/, OUGH Family, Past Tense Endings, WH /W, H/, LE Endings, & More

List F

List F includes 59 high-frequency words (plus 3 bonus cards), building on concepts from previous lists & covering additional concepts such as:

Some Basic Nouns for Sentence Building, OA /Ō/, OUR /OR/, Comparisons Using ER Endings, CI /SH/, & More

List G

List G includes 62 high-frequency words, building on concepts from previous lists & covering additional concepts such as:

More Basic Words for Sentence Building, Silent L, AI /Ā/, CE /S/ Endings, GE /J/ Endings, S & SS /SH/, UR /ER/, EA /Ā/, QU /KW/, EA /Ĭ/, EI /Ē/ Family, ALLY Endings, AR /AIR/, AL /ALL/ Beginnings, & More

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