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Webber® Artic Fun Sheets

Webber® Artic Fun Sheets

Grades Pre-K & Up | Ages 3 & Up

By Sharon G. Webber, M.S - Fun Sheets by Ashley Drennan, Karla Duncan, Clint Johnson, and Amy Jundi-Mace

Regular price $96.82 CAD
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Watch as children gain confidence in their speech abilities, improve their clarity of speech, and enhance their overall communication skills.

Webber® Artic Fun Sheets offer a wide variety of interactive and stimulating activities that target specific speech sounds. Each worksheet is thoughtfully designed to promote motor speech skills, articulatory precision, and sound discrimination. With engaging illustrations and engaging exercises, children are motivated to actively participate in their speech therapy journey.

These fun and educational sheets allow children to practice their speech sounds in a structured and systematic manner. By completing the activities, they strengthen their articulatory muscles, refine their sound production skills, and improve overall speech intelligibility.

Who are Webber® Artic Fun Sheets helpful for?

The versatility of Webber® Artic Fun Sheets makes them suitable for use in individual therapy sessions, group settings, or as homework assignments. Designed for children in Grades PRe-K & Up and ages 4 and up, these fun sheets can be easily integrated into existing speech therapy programs and provide a valuable resource for both Speech Language Pathologists and Parents.

As students complete each activity, they learn to accurately produce their target sounds at word, phrase, and sentence levels while building vocabulary and following directions skills. These 3 activity-packed books include crossword puzzles, mazes, and more.

Webber® Artic Fun Sheets targets S, R, L, S/R/L Blends, TH, K, G, F, Z, SH, CH, V, P, B, T, V, D, M, J, and Animal Pairs.

Webber Artic Fun Sheets Combo includes:

  • Over 850 reproducible pages, perfect bound (8½" x 11")
  • Includes three books: Webber Artic Fun Sheets Set 1, Set 2, and Set 3.
  • Each book has 288 entertaining pages of games, puzzles, creative activities, and more

The Combo includes 3 books:

  1. Set 1 covers S, R, L, S/R/L Blends and Z.
  2. Set 2 covers SH, CH, TH, K, G, F, and V.
  3. Set 3 covers P, B, T, D, M, J, and Animal Pairs.
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