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Webber's® Jumbo Articulation Drill Book

Webber's® Jumbo Articulation Drill Book

Grades Pre-K & Up | Ages 4 & Up

By Sharon G. Webber, M.S., Thomas Webber and Illustrated by Mark Bristol

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Dive into the world of clearer communication with Webber's® Jumbo Articulation Drill Book – the go-to companion for speech therapy success!

This fun and easy-to-use articulation resource includes word lists, pictures, phrase lists, and sentences in initial, medial and final positions for these sounds: R, S, L, (R, S, L Blends, initial only), Z, SH, CH, TH (voiced and unvoiced), F, V, K, G, P, B, T, D, J, H, M, N, and Y. With a conversational tone and vibrant visuals, it transforms speech drills into a fun journey.

Save countless hours searching for therapy pages and use that time to teach. This reproducible drill book provides 1,710 articulation word pictures plus thousands of individual words, phrases, and sentences. 6,420 target words! 3,120 phrases! 3,120 sentences

Who is this articulation learning material helpful for?

The Webber's® Jumbo Articulation Drill Book is designed to target articulation skills in students in grades pre-kindergarten and up and children ages 4 and up. This book is a treasure trove for Speech-Language Therapists (SLPs), educators, and parents alike. Whether targeting specific sounds or working on overall clarity, this resource provides a roadmap to success.

Why Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs), industry professionals, and parents love this book: 

  • The pictures and words work well with all age groups
  • It is useful for readers and nonreaders alike 
  • It is a foundational, comprehensive resource for SLPs
  • The drills also help to increase students' expressive and receptive vocabulary
  • The predictable, repetitious patterns promote student success and build their self-confidence

The Webber's® Jumbo Articulation Drill Book includes:

  • 484 pages, spiral-bound, hardcover (8½" x 11")
  • Word lists, pictures, phrase lists, and sentences in initial, medial and final positions for these sounds: R, S, L, (R, S, L Blends, initial only), Z, SH, CH, TH (voiced and unvoiced), F, V, K, G, P, B, T, D, J, H, M, N, and Y.
  • 6,420 target words! 3,120 phrases! 3,120 sentences!
  • 1,710 delightful illustrations with open-ended instructions on all worksheets. Record data in the boxes provided.
  • Articulation Drill Record Form, Progress Chart, Homework Helper Note, Positive Awards.
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